Yikang Group: With the power of water, to achieve climate goals

With the continuous advancement of the global population growth and the process of industrialization, we are facing severe water challenges.According to the forecast of the World Resources Research Institute, by 2030, the earth will face 56% of the shortage of water resources.
As one of the global sustainable development of leading companies, Yikang Group knows the critical nature of water resources. Therefore, it combines it with the carbon emission reduction strategy to build a comprehensive and environmentally friendly sustainable development strategy- “With the water of water waterForce, achieve climate goals. “This strategy combines water resources management with carbon emission reduction strategies to achieve the future of low -carbon and environmental protection.
“Water is the key driving force for climate relief.” Emilio Tenuta, senior vice president and chief sustainable development officer of Yikang, said: “We have the impact of drought, floods, extreme weather events, heat waves, etc. through water perception and understanding of climate change., Water resources are closely linked to climate change, and climate change affects the world in a complicated way. “
Specifically, Yikang assisted customers to save 829 million tons of water resources in 2022, which can not only help alleviate the tension of global water resources, but also help to suppress climate change.By saving water, Yikang helped customers reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 3.6 million metric tons.
The achievements of these achievements are inseparable from the close and efficient collaboration between the Kaishang and the partners.For example, with a close cooperation with the Wangwang Group’s 15 years, it fully demonstrates the power of Yikang from the product processing chain to water treatment and other fields.Posal support.On the other hand, the cooperation with Chongqing Sichuanwei Chemical Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Sinopec Group, has made significant breakthroughs in the field of environmental protection and sustainable economic development.By optimizing the recycling rate of water resources, improving recycling efficiency, and optimizing the production process, the two parties have created eye -catching achievements.
In addition, in the past ten years, the first production base in Yikang Da China -Yikang Taicang Factory has practiced a very convincing case with water reduction with water.
As the third largest in the world, the largest in the Asia -Pacific region, and the most advanced product production base, the Yikang Taicang plant is responsible for the production of more than 200 categories of products.
The factory was put into production and operation in 2012. In 2015, it became the first factory in the world to pass AWS water management certification. In 2021, it became the first Platinum certification factory in the Chinese chemical industry to obtain the highest level of AWS.The AWS Sustainable Water Management System is the only international system standard in the field of water resources management released by the International Sustainable Water Management Alliance, and provides systemic management of water risks and the action framework for improving water management performance.In addition, the factory was successfully selected in 2022 and was selected as the first batch of “Standard Leaders of Sustainable Water Resources Management Enterprises” evaluated by the Chinese Society of Technology and Economics.
Yikang Group has made ambitious goals: by 2030, it will assist customers to save 11 billion tons of water, equivalent to 1 billion people’s annual drinking water demand, and reduce 6 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions to achieve carbon neutralization for customersContribute.
In addition to production, in the daily operations of Greater China, Yikang is also committed to reducing environmental impacts, improving energy use efficiency, and creating a healthier and sustainable working environment for employees in Greater China.Yikang’s headquarters in Shanghai has successfully obtained Leed platinum -level certification.Leed is called “Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design”. Platinum is the highest level of its certification and is a global -recognized green building “Oscar”.From decoration to operation, each detail shows Yikang’s commitment to sustainable development.
“Building a 100%positive future is our expectations, and it also needs to work together,” said Kong Lianyun, the global executive vice president of Yikang Group and President of Greater China.Active influence has always been firm in its own operations and production. I am proud of the sustainable progress of Yikang Greater China.Important resources related to life. “
(This article comes from First Finance)

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