Green Youth Youth Chongqing Three Gorges College Track and Field Games opened

1 min read

On April 25, the Chongqing Three Gorges College Spring Track and Field Games and the first student collective Taijiquan competition was held.

Student Collective Tai Chi Boxing Competition (Photo Conferring in Chongqing Three Gorges College)

Under the leadership of the team leaders, the college teams entered the venue in turn.With the melody of the national anthem, the five -star red flag rose, and all the teachers and students sang the national anthem and paid attention.Subsequently, the school flags and Huiqi rose in turn, and the students of the Three Gorges sang the song of the Three Gorges College.

In cheers and applause, large -scale sports performances officially started.The passion of “Open Door” shows the spirit of self -improvement and stubborn hard work of the Chinese nation.The internal and external cultivation in the “Tai Chi Competition” is both a inheritance of culture and the conversion of health concepts; “La La Fun” with both strength and beauty shows the infinite vitality of youth …

Lion Dance Performance (Photo Conferring in Chongqing Three Gorges College)

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