Kevin Education signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Zhongguancun Science and Technology Innovation College

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On April 23, Beijing Kevindexin Education Technology Co., Ltd. (“Kevin Education”) and Zhongguancun Science and Technology Innovation College held a signing ceremony of a strategic cooperation agreement in Haidian, Beijing.Zhang Guobin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Haiguo Investment Group, He Zhaojin, Executive Vice President of the Party School of the Haidian District Party Committee and Executive Deputy Dean of the Central College of Science and Technology Innovation, respectively representing the signing ceremony on behalf of both parties.The signing ceremony was chaired by Wang Teng, Assistant to General Manager of Haiguo Investment Group and Chairman of Kevin Education.

With the signing of the leaders of the two parties on the cooperation agreement, the cooperation curtain of Kevin Education and Zhongguancun Science and Technology Innovation College in the field of science and technology innovation training officially opened.The two sides will cooperate in the development and design of party and government cadres training, corporate management personnel training, operational services and dual -teacher training, scientific and technological innovation industry chain training course development and design, as well as five major aspects of principals, principals, and teachers’ training training.The resource advantage of transforming into scientific and technological innovation training provides talent support and intellectual support for high -quality development of scientific and technological innovation.

He Zhaojin fully recognized the advantages of Kevin’s education.He said that, as a listed company in Haidian State -owned assets, Kevin Education has achieved a series of results in talent training in recent years and has a good social reputation.Regarding subsequent cooperation, he believes that the Haiguo Investment Group relying on the Haiguo Investment Group of Kevin Education has accumulated valuable experience in practice and other key sectors of its cultural education, urban services, and has become a wise source for scientific and technological innovation training.Scientific and technological innovation is a key variable and core element for cultivating and developing new productivity. The modern vocational education businesses with the theme of “new technology” have the first advantage of development.In terms of international training, Kelvy Education coincides with the “follow internationalization” of the business ecology, which is mainly based on international education and the characteristics of the school’s characteristics of the School of Science and Technology Innovation of Zhongguancun.Essence


Zhang Guobin welcomed He Zhaojin and his party.Regarding the contract cooperation, he said that first is to thank the district party school and Zhongguancun Science and Technology Innovation College for their recognition of Kevin Education.In recent years, Kevin Education has begun to lay out more in the field of vocational education.This cooperation is the same as the Haidian District of both sides. The cooperation foundation is solid and Kevin feels cherished.Second, Haiguo Investment Group will coordinate core resources, support Kevin Education to undertake business opportunities released by the Zhongguancun University of Science and Technology Innovation, and provide supporting service support for both parties.Third, Kevin Education and Haiguo Investment Group will “do good things well” and join hands with Zhongguancun Science and Technology Innovation College to give full play to the advantages of political advantages and the freedom of the enterprise.Technical enterprise.

Xie Tong, member of the Party School Committee of the Haidian District Committee, Xie Tong, deputy dean of the Zhongguancun University of Science and Technology Innovation, Wang Baoyin, head of the training department of Zhongguancun University of Science and Technology Innovation, Dong Qi, general manager of Kevin Education, Guan Gang, deputy general manager of Kevin Education, general manager of Kevin EducationAssistant Cai Congjie participated in the event.

cooperative contents

Party and government cadre training

Cultivate a high -quality cadre team with high politics, adapting to the requirements of the new era, and leading the ability to lead socialist modernization.

Enterprise management staff training

Improving the ability of corporate management’s strategic thinking, innovation ability, management ability, and the ability to transform theoretical knowledge into practical operations.

Operation services and dual -teacher training

Build a training base to meet different types of training needs.Realize the sharing and optimization configuration of teaching resources through teachers’ exchanges.

Science and Technology Innovation All Industrial Chain Course Development Design

According to market demand, jointly formulate curriculum outlines and teaching goals, build case libraries, and form a scientific and technological innovation industry chain training course plan.

Principal, principal, and teacher training training

Make full use of the educational resources and cooperation networks of both parties across the country to plan and organize the training programs of principals, principals, and teachers.

In the next step, the two parties will deepen the content of cooperation and enrich the connotation of cooperation through resource sharing and advantages, deepen the content of cooperation, enrich the connotation of cooperation, and based on the advantages of Haidian education science and technology talents, refine and copy the experience of scientific and technological innovation in Haidian experience.With comprehensive practice, cultivate high -quality and professional cadre talents, and set up talented talents who have developed new productive forces to contribute to the core area of the high -level construction of the International Science and Technology Innovation Center in Haidian District.

About Zhongguancun University of Science and Technology Innovation College

Zhongguancun University of Science and Technology Innovation is under the management of the Party School of the Haidian District Party Committee.On December 23, 2020, the meeting was considered and decided to establish the Zhongguancun Science and Technology Innovation College by the meeting of the Deep Reform Commission of the Haidian District Committee, and it was unveiled on April 20, 2021.Zhongguancun University of Science and Technology Innovation is a public institution organized by state -owned assets to implement market -oriented operations.The Zhongguancun University of Science and Technology Innovation aims to use the rich practical experience accumulated by Zhongguancun’s innovation and development over the past 40 years and the high -quality education and training resources of Haidian District to carry out cutting -edge, systematic, and international talent training with innovative thinking.The cradle of talent training is based on Zhongguancun, serving the capital, radiating nationwide, facing the world, and building an innovative, open and international teaching platform, research think tank, practical base, display window and exchange center.

About Kevin Education

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