Vigorously promote the spirit of educators | Yu Guoping: Perseverance of the original education is my career of my life

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Yu Guoping, secretary of the party committee and president of the Yuying Board School of Yueqing City, Zhejiang Province, has won honorary titles such as the national model of teaching and education, Zhejiang special teachers, and outstanding teachers in Zhejiang Province.

He, a child of a farmer, a special teacher who came out of the ravine.In his more than 30 years of education, he regarded students as children, and actively conducted curriculum construction, implement quality education, regardless of whether he brought classes or as business leaders.He has always insisted on using love and responsibility to go to Lide people, teach and educate people, and adhere to the original intention of being a good teacher.He has deeply cultivated Chinese research and taught hundreds of games and lectures around the country.

Yu Guoping said: “Education is the cause of love, and education is an eternal cause. For me, it is a solid one to do this. I think it is my life.”

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