Wannian County Old and Senior University 2024 Education Association was held (pictured)

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On May 7th, the Education Work of Education of the Elderly University of Wannian County was held in 2024.Liu Xiaohua, deputy secretary of the county party committee, attended and delivered a speech. Li Jiunan, president of the county elderly university, presided over the meeting.Relevant persons in charge of the county party committee organization department, county education and sports bureaus, county elderly university, presidents of the elderly universities in various townships, and representatives of outstanding teacher representatives of the county elderly university attended the meeting.
Liu Xiaohua fully affirmed the education of elderly universities in the county, and put forward opinions on running elderly universities and developing older education.He pointed out that it is necessary to continue to strengthen the sense of responsibility for the elderly education, and actively create a new pattern of the development pattern of elderly education with extensive coverage, diversified subjects, resource sharing, flexible diverse, distinctive, and standardized and orderly and orderly.Promote cultural pensions and allow elderly students to “everyone interested in everyone”; actively build platforms to allow elderly students to “make a difference”; strengthen coordination and coordination, allow elderly education to “improve every year”, and comprehensively promote the elderly education cause of the county.Comprehensive and high -quality development.
The meeting also summarized the elderly education work in 2023; the research and deployment of the elderly education in 2024; commended the advanced units and advanced individuals won the 2023 senior education;(Wannian Rong Media Reporter Zhao Dengng)

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